David Yappeter
Backend Developer
4+ years of experience in web development in Backend with Golang and Frontend with several frameworks like React, and NextJS. I eagerly like to learn new things about Programming. Flexible and easily adapt to the new environment. I'm available to work remotely or on-site.
Programming Languages:
Go (Programming Language), Node JS, React JS, Next JS, Flutter
SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL), MongoDB, Redis
Operating System:
Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), WSL
Docker (Containerization) & Docker-Compose, REST API, GraphQL
Backend Developer
GWS Medika (Sinarmas Group), Medan
Service Provider
Two Miner Pte. Ltd., Medan
Backend Developer
PT. Pundi Mas Berjaya, Medan
Bachelor of Computer Science: Teknologi Informatika
Universitas Mikroskil - Medan, Indonesia
GPA: 3.91
High School Diploma
SMA Sutomo 2 - Medan, Indonesia
POS system (Thesis)
Github: https://gitlab.com/setia-abadi
A web application POS system for a small building materials and supplies shop as a thesis.
For testing purpose
username:super.admin.one , pass:123456
Github: https://github.com/orgs/c23-m4001/repositories
Moneta is a Web Application to manage your cashflow
Instagram Mock (Simple)
Github: https://github.com/david-yappeter/insta-mock
Mocking Instagram dashboard, learning how to mock Axios request and applying infinite scroll with custom axios hooks.
ATS Friendly CV and PDF Generator
Github: https://github.com/david-yappeter/cv
Just a simple Html and Css project to create this easily editable CV Template. Adding Gulp to minimize the html and css, and adding HTML to PDF Generator to convert the CV HTML into PDF. The static files are served using Nginx docker container inside Amazon EC2.
Minister of Finance (Disabled by google play)
Github: https://github.com/david-yappeter/mof
Currently the application has been taken down by google play because of policy issue with the developer account.
Mobile Offline Money Management application that build using Flutter and uploaded on Playstore. The cashflow transactions are saved inside mobile local storage on SQL Format with sqlflite and the main State Management using GetX
Mika Mikroskil Clone
Github: https://github.com/david-yappeter/pengembangan-web-backend
A fullstack college project that build using NodeJs. It is a mini-clone of https://mika.mikroskil.ac.id with students and admins login and dashboard. Currently Hosted by Using EC2, wrapped into Docker Images and runned using Docker & Docker-Compose.
For testing purpose
https://mikroskil.mikroskil.com (Student Login)
| username:201110050 , pass:12345
https://mikroskil.mikroskil.com/admin/login (Admin Login)
| username:admin, pass: 12345
Trello Clone
Github Backend: https://github.com/david-yappeter/noteapp-backend
Github Frontend: https://github.com/david-yappeter/noteapp-frontend
Personal project that build using Golang as the Backend, PostgreSQL as the Database and React as the Frontend to clone The Kanban Card System of Trello.
Github: https://github.com/david-yappeter/frontend-desain-web-dasar
College Project that build using Golang as the Backend, PostgreSQL as the Database and React as the Frontend. This project is about a simple social media web where people post text, with like and comment feature..